Title: The Love Below Characters: L/Mello/Near; this chapter is Mello-centric Rating: M Word Count: ~4,500 Spoilers: For now, Mello and Near's real names. Possibly others along the way. Summary: Mello and Near are competing for L's title. Are they also competing for his love?
Title: The Love Below, Chapter Two Pairing: L/Mello/Near Rating: G Word Count: 5,000+ Summary: Mello and Near are competing for L's title. But are they also competing for his love?
Title: The Love Below, Chapter Two Pairing: L/Mello/Near Rating: G Word Count: 5,000+ Summary: Mello and Near are competing for L's title. But are they also competing for his love?
Title: The Love Below, Chapter One Pairing: L/Mello/Near Rating: G Word Count: 5,000+ Summary: Mello and Near are competing for L's title. But are they also competing for his love?